Skate Malmö Street 2020 – Recap
Thanks to everyone who took part and managed to navigate social distancing and brave the heatwave. As it turned out, the conditions ended up being perfect for the water-challenges…
Check #skatemalmostreet2020 on Instagram to see the teams’ progress over the weekend.
Recap Edit Award:
Winner: Team Rinkitou
One of the challenges of the weekend was to shoot a photo with Malmö’s Jacob Hansson. Here are some selected photos from Jacob’s weekend:
Challenge Winners:
Art Attack Challenge Piraterna
Best costume drama challenge The Mavericks
Daniel Gezmer challenge SMS Winnerz
Athletic lifestyle challenge The The Wave Wave
NOBEL Square challenge Benjamin och Resten
Värnhem Square Line Challenge: Benjamin och Resten
Team line challenge Benjamin och Resten
The Longest Line The The Wave Wave
Most kickflips challenge The The Wave Wave
The never-ending-line challenge The The Wave Wave
Hot-minute challenge The The Wave Wave
Dork Zone Off the Grid Challenge The The Wave Wave
Best trick into water – challenge. Piraterna – Double nollie flip
Aqua edit The The Wave Wave
Longest grind or slide challenge. The The Wave Wave
PIG Edit Challenge The The Wave Wave
Polar edit challenge Hannes Pojkar
See you next year!
SMS 2020
August 13-16
Video Team Challenges
Spots Around the City
Challenges released Thursday August 13th
Due to the pandemic, no gatherings above 50 people will be organized.
Instead, we will offer a smörgåsbord of spots spread around the city.
Teams enter by filming video challenges and submitting #skatemalmostreet2020
Follow the other teams’ progression day-by-day.
Get a team together – And a team name.
Enter in teams of 3-5 people. If you don’t have a team, contact us on nils@skatemalmo.se and we’ll organize a team for you.
Register your team at Le Boxx, Stapelbäddsparken from Thursday 10am.
International Teams:
Feel free to enter wherever you are, take on the challenges and submit on #skatemalmostreet2020. There will be one award for Best International Team.
Get yourself to Malmö
Take care not to expose yourself to undue risk and follow recommendations for social distancing.
Challenges are released on Thursday August 13th at 10am
All challenges involve filming clips or edits and posting them on Instagram using #skatemalmostreet2020
Browse the challenges
Select what suits you. There are challenges for all skill levels and different prizes for different categories. Make a plan for what challenges the team wants to take on over the weekend.
Go skate – and film
Film with your phone or video setup.
Some challenges are judged on quality of edit and filming, so a more ambitious camera setup may help with these challenges. There is more to a good edit than the camera, though, so don’t worry – many teams will only be using phones.
Submit your challenges
The deadline for most of the challenges is Sunday 16:00.
Some challenges are time-sensitive.
The NBD (Never Been Done) -challenges mean first submitted gets points for that trick. Make sure to post immediately after landing so as not to risk someone else claiming the same trick.
Other challenges get bonus points for first submission. This means the first edit submitted gets points as well as the best edit submitted.
Follow the other teams’ progression on #skatemalmostreet2020 and @skatemalmo.se
Generally, challenges are judged based on creativity, vibe, quality of edit and level of skating.
Some challenges are, however, judged by specific conditions. How each challenge is judged and how many points are rewarded can be seen in the challenge list.
There will be many different prizes for different challenges. The top scoring teams will receive cash prizes, but level of skill is only one of many factors considered in the judging. All skaters have a good chance of doing well and many challenges will receive specific prizes in addition to points.
There will also be a cash prize for the ‘Recap Edit Challenge’ where teams have the week after the event to edit together a recap-video of the weekend.
Pandemic info:
Skate Malmö recommends strict adherence to the recommendations of social distancing. As such, no gatherings will be organized and no live prize-ceremony held.
Getting around:
Results will be posted on Sunday evening on www.skatemalmo.se
Be sure to follow social distancing recommendations:https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/smittskydd-beredskap/utbrott/aktuella-utbrott/covid-19/skydda-dig-och-andra/bromsa-smittan–det-har-kan-du-som-privatperson-gora/
Skate at Your Own Risk
Participation is strictly voluntary.
Skate Malmö does not encourage risk-taking. Low-risk challenges offer as many or more points as high-risk challenges.
Skate at a level you are comfortable with and select challenges accordingly.
In case of injury
In case of serious injury and in particular involving head trauma, call 112 immediately. Then contact Skate Malmö on 0733 237734 so that we can assist you.
If you need assistance for less urgent injuries such as sprains or scrapes, contact Skate Malmö and consult https://www.1177.se/Skane/olyckor–skador/akuta-rad—forsta-hjalpen/
Skateboarding in the City
Skate Malmö Street is about allowing skateboarding to be part of the life of the city. How this takes place is up to you. If you want others to respect your skating, respect other users of the city – pedestrians, cyclists and others. Also make sure to respect traffic regulations.
Thank you for taking part
Go get it.